NOTE: Accordingly to the GST break on christmas trees, we will refund the GST paid on this product for orders received until February 15th 2025. 


Opt for a responsible Christmas tree!

Tree reconstituted with pruned branches.

For each optional log purchase, a tree will be planted in the spring.


DESCRIPTION: Group of about 3 branches, about 4 feet long, tied together with reused straw bale rope.

PICK-UP: By appointement, in Tiny Tree Land in Franklin or near Highway 13 in Montreal; There are also distribution points in Quebec and Ontario. Refer to Tiny Tree's Facebook page for the details. Please metion WHERE YOU WANT TO PICK UP YOUR ORDER in the ordering form. Bring a PROOF OF PAYMENT with you.


RETURN (OPTIONAL): In January, at one of our distribution points. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the year on our Facebook page. The branches will be composted or will be used to make shelters for the animals in the wood near where they come from; 

Picture for reference only.

Small Christmas Branches (4 feet - Evergreen)

  • Product Code: s/o
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 29.99$

Available Options

Tags: Christmas, Branches, Evergreen