Be a star this Christmas with Titi Sapin / Tiny Tree!

Adopt a living tree certified organic by OCQV! You will see it grow year after year!

Every Titi Sapin / Tiny Tree comes with a wooden stick that you can personalize. Find it a cute little tree name and write it down! 

An extra tree is also planted to thank you for your eco-friendly choice. You can find it's destination among a choice of three projects via a post on our Facebook page during the year.

When your Titi Sapin / Tiny Tree will be to tall to be carried, you can plant it somewhere you can continue to enjoy it. We also offer to plant it in our field and to provide you it's GPS coordinates. That way, you will be able to see it back!

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  The Tiny Tree

The Tiny Tree

NOTE: Accordingly to the GST break on christmas trees, we will refund the GST paid on this product..


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